Category Archives: News

Telehealth: The Next Frontier In Healthcare?

On Tuesday, 29 January 2019, WhiteCoat hosted a panel discussion with experts where they took [...]

Dengue Fever Is On The Rise. Here’s How To Protect Yourself

It’s official. Dengue is on the rise in Singapore, with 20% more cases reported in 2018 [...]

What’s The Buzz About Mozzie Bite Prevention?

Dealing with mosquitoes can be quite a hassle not only because they get under your skin when [...]

What’s A “Regulatory Sandbox” And What Does It Mean?

In 2018, the Ministry of Health (MOH) launched the Licensing Experimentation and Adaptation Programme (LEAP). [...]

5 Things To Look For In Your Digital Healthcare Provider

With the multitude of developments in digital medicine, a pressing concern which patients have is [...]

Maximising Your Time: Here’s How To Prepare For A Video Consult

The fast pace of modern lifestyles makes time a highly prized resource. Yet, simple tasks [...]